Application of fermented herbal medicine in feed additives

Date : June 4, 2024 | Time : 8:36 am

Fermented herbal medicine is a pharmaceutical process in which natural herbs are fermented by probiotics to finally obtain a mixture of herbs and probiotics. The selected probiotics can be one type or multiple types. To maximize the effect of herbal fermentation, it is best to combine the principles of bionics and simulate the microecological environment of the animal intestines to ferment the herbs. Herbal raw materials are effectively decomposed under the action of enzymes secreted by microorganisms. After the plant cell wall is decomposed, the intracellular active ingredients can be more fully released. Many ingredients can also be transformed. Some herbal macromolecules can be easily absorbed after being transformed by microorganisms. The bioavailability of small molecule substances is greatly improved, which is conducive to the full expression of drug efficacy. Fermented herbal medicine is a revolutionary technology in the development of herbal medicine, which has made a great contribution to antibiotic-free breeding in the breeding industry.

Advantages of fermented herbs

Fermented herbal medicine has many advantages. The most obvious advantage in clinical practice is that it can improve drug bioavailability, improve drug palatability, enhance drug efficacy, and promote feed digestion.

1. Improve drug bioavailability

Before herbal medicines are naturally processed, active ingredients exist inside, especially plant-based Chinese herbal medicines. Common flavonoids, saponins, organic acids, volatile oils, mineral trace elements, etc. are all inside the cells, and the cell membrane and cell wall are in the dissolution process of the active ingredients. will create obstacles. During the fermentation process of herbal medicine, beneficial microorganisms can secrete components such as cellulase and hemicellulase to dissolve the cell wall and increase the permeability of the cell surface. In this way, the active ingredients will escape more smoothly and the bioavailability of the drug will also be improved.

2. Improve palatability

After the fermentation of herbal medicines, many small peptide fermentation products will be formed. These fermentation products have a certain fragrance, which can not only mask the original bitter taste of the medicine but also not affect the animal's feed intake. When mixed into the feed as an additive, it also affects the feed intake. It has a certain improvement effect and effectively solves the palatability problem in the clinical application of traditional herbal medicine.

3. Enhanced drug efficacy

After the herbal medicine is fermented, the animals not only ingest the medicine during the medication but also ingest a large amount of probiotics. These probiotics enter the intestinal tract and balance the intestinal microecology, which has an auxiliary effect in the treatment of enteritis. The reproduction of probiotics can stimulate the intestinal mucosa to produce mucosal immunity, thereby producing secreted antibodies IGA, which can fight against harmful microorganisms to a certain extent and shorten the course of disease treatment.

4. Promote digestion

After probiotics enter the intestine, they will secrete a large amount of amylase, protease, lipase, peptidase, and other substances during their reproduction and metabolism. These enzymes, together with the digestive enzymes secreted by the animals in the intestine, decompose and absorb the feed. This can improve the digestion, absorption, and utilization rate of feed.

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